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Biplane, Lewa Conservancy

Audley Traveler blog

  • Will Craig's biplane

    8 experiences you might not know exist

    10 Min Read

    From flying over Chile’s Atacama Desert in a hot air balloon to learning to sword fight like a Japanese samurai, we’ve come up with nine lesser-known experiences that will take you out of your comfort zone and enrich your 2017 travels.

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  • Jaguar in the Pantanal, Brazil

    Where to go in 2017

    05 Min Read

    We ask our specialists to reveal their recommendations for which destinations to consider as you start planning your travels for the forthcoming year.

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  • The Kootenay Rockies

    Canada's quieter corners

    10 Min Read

    2017 is set to be an exciting time for Canada, marking the 150th anniversary of the Canadian Confederation. Our specialists have picked some of the country’s quieter alternatives for those who wish to combine the main highlights with somewhere more peaceful.

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  • A taxi ride through Havana

    Audley staff photography competition

    03 Min Read

    Every year we run a hotly contested staff photography competition, where our specialists submit the best images from their travels around the world. Here we share some of our favorites...

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  • Knife and Fort Culinary Tour

    Five brand new travel experiences

    04 Min Read

    We like to ensure that we can offer plenty of fresh experiences for your travels. Here are five new recommendations for China, Uganda, Borneo, Costa Rica and Turkey.

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  • The New York skyline

    USA & Canada: cities and wilderness

    05 Min Read

    The USA and Canada both offer vibrant cities and vast, dramatic landscapes. Our specialists explain why combining urban and wild time in North America can be a rewarding experience.

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  • Jasper National Park

    Birthday celebration in Canada

    02 Min Read

    Hi, I would like to plan a 50th birthday celebration vacation. My partner has always wanted to go to the west of Canada and perhaps visit Seattle or maybe San Francisco as well. We'd like to be away for about a month as this will be a once in a lifetime trip, and go in the autumn of 2015.

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  • Boston waterfront

    Birthday celebration in Boston

    02 Min Read

    Hi. Mum and I have been saving to take my dad back to Boston (where he used to work) as a surprise for his 60th birthday — we will be traveling at the end of October 2015. We have about 10 nights in total and want to spend about 4 in Boston — what other places should we visit at this time of year? Many Thanks, Alex

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  • Highway 1 running along Paific coast in Big Sur state parks in California

    Travelers' Tales: the USA

    06 Min Read

    Julian Kenyon and his family took a road trip along California Highway 1 in the USA with Audley. Read about their adventures as they traveled from San Francisco to San Diego.

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